For Alcohol Awareness Week Forward Leeds have organised an alcohol awareness event on the 23rd of November in Kirkgate Market where they will be joined by One You Leeds, the NHS, St Annes Community Services and Carers Leeds among others.
The aim of the event is to help the public think about their drinking. There are plenty of good reasons to look at your alcohol habits including:
- Watching your weight
- Sleeping better
- Reducing stress
- Avoiding hangovers
- Staying healthier for longer
Forward Leeds will be asking people to pledge to make a small change to their drinking and share it on social media using #InspiredChange.
Forward Leeds also have a number of other events planned across the city for Alcohol Awareness Week which runs from the 19 to 25 November:
20th November at Leeds Beckett University
20th November at Leeds General Infirmary
21st November Leeds University Student Union
22nd November, Boots the Chemist, Trinity Centre
22nd November, Leeds City College
23rd November, in the evening at Leeds Railway Station
Alcohol Awareness Week is a national campaign organised by Alcohol Concern. The theme this year is “change”.