Support from Forward Leeds now available at Early Help Hubs

Forward Leeds now have Specialist Alcohol and Drug Practitioners based at the city’s three Early Help Hubs.

The Early Help Hubs were set up by Leeds City Council in 2019 to support families and professionals working with families. They offer a single point of contact and offer advice, help and support. They work closely with service partners to ensure improved outcomes for children, families and communities in Leeds.

Rebecca Grew is the specialist Alcohol and Drug Worker at the Early Help Hub (East). Rebecca said: “We work with parents and guardians around their wants and needs, and offer support based on this. We are here to support people, not tell anyone what to do. The service is very new but we are already being successful in making important early interventions that mean issues don’t escalate for people.”

Parents/guardians can access informal support and if required, be referred to other relevant organisations, including sustained recovery options.

The teams in the hubs consist of early help practitioners who can draw on the expertise of specialist practitioners in mental health, domestic violence and family group conferencing as well as the alcohol and substance use practitioner to support families.

The hubs work predominately alongside the Children’s Centres, School Clusters and other Children’s Services. The Early Help Practitioners undertake holistic assessments, support professionals to develop Early Help Plans for families and signpost to relevant and appropriate organisations.

The Early Help Hubs work using restorative practice principles and work within the Leeds City Council Rethink Formulation model, encouraging individuals to make decisions that will be beneficial to themselves and their families in the long term.