Do you think about what you drink asks Forward Leeds

Forward Leeds, the city’s alcohol and drug service are asking people to test their alcohol knowledge with a quiz for Alcohol Awareness Week, the national campaign that runs from 11-17 November.

Bill Owen of Forward Leeds said: “As well our quiz, we have a number of events across Leeds where people can chat to us and find out more about alcohol. We’re hoping people will take time to reflect on their drinking and how it might be affecting them.

“There are plenty of good reasons to cut back on your drinking including watching your weight, sleeping better as well as staying healthier for longer. There are other non-health benefits to not drinking too such as saving money. It’s estimated that as a city we spend about £232 million on alcohol every year.”

The city’s alcohol and drug service have organised an Alcohol Awareness event on November 15 in Kirkgate Market where they will be joined by One You Leeds, the NHS and Carers Leeds among others.

Forward Leeds are also running Alcohol Awareness events all week across the city including at Leeds City College, Printworks campus on 11 November, at St James’s Hospital on the 12 November and at Leeds Beckett University on the 13 November.

Take the Forward Leeds alcohol quiz and test your knowledge.

Alcohol Awareness Week is a national campaign organised by Alcohol Change.