Tag: Alcohol
Events for Alcohol Awareness Week 19 to 25 November
For Alcohol Awareness Week Forward Leeds have organised an alcohol awareness event on the 23rd...
Forward Leeds role in new Safer Leeds Street Support team
This month Leeds City Council unveiled a new partnership approach to safeguarding and supporting those...
5 WAYS and Forward Leeds celebrate at the Recovery Walk
Staff, volunteers and ex-clients of Forward Leeds were in Shrewsbury for the highlight of Recovery...
Forward Leeds raising overdose awareness
Forward Leeds will be sharing advice and information on what to do in the event...
Focus on Rehab proves a success
Last week’s ‘Focus on Rehab’ provided 30 new referrals into the Forward Leeds team for...
Forward Leeds gives advice on how to party at Leeds Pride
Forward Leeds offered visitors to Leeds Pride tips on “How to Party Properly” last Sunday....
Three years of successes for Forward Leeds
A “high quality” drug and alcohol recovery service which has made a “positive impact” across...
Talk addresses ‘Why Addiction is Not a Disease’
Consultant Psychologist and Clinical Lead at Forward Leeds, Matthew Gaskell addressed an audience of 150...
Forward Leeds to offer new LGBT+ sessions
Forward Leeds is increasing its accessibility to the LGBT+ community further through drop in sessions...
Family plant ‘fitting tribute’ to father lost to alcohol
The family of a Leeds man, who lost his life after battling alcohol misuse, has...
Dry January and Forward Leeds
Forward Leeds are supporting Dry January as a public health campaign in 2018. We are...
Safer Drinking Advice on Local Radio
Bill Owen, our Early Intervention and Prevention Manager, has been recording advice for broadcast on...