New Health and Social Care Event for Leeds

To improve collaboration and cross-working between health and social care services in the city, Forward Leeds is organising a marketplace event.

The aim of the event is for staff from a range of services across Leeds to quickly and easily learn more about the breadth of support available to people in the city.

The event was the idea of Team Manager at Forward Leeds Rob Rodgers who said: “Everyone is busy. The world of health and social services seems like it is constantly changing and it can be tough for some people to keep up-to-date with what is available in Leeds.

“With the COVID pandemic, more people are working from home and services have been unable to get out and visit each other like we used to do. This event offers a great chance to find out just how much the City of Leeds offers in only a couple of hours. Staff at local services will be able to get a better idea of the additional help that is out there for the people they support and where to signpost them.

They are hoping to have around 30-40 different services at the event.

It will take place from 10am-4pm at Kirkgate Market on the 30 September 2022. For more information contact Forward Leeds email