Relationship between Alcohol and Domestic Abuse


  • Increase participants knowledge, skills and confidence to identify those drinking above lower risk levels and the associated risks to health.
  • To explore the impact of alcohol and overlapping issues of domestic abuse and alcohol. How to make referrals to appropriate services


  • For participants to revise their knowledge about the effects of alcohol.
  • To explore what is domestic abuse?
  • To examine the impact of alcohol on family relationships
  • To examine the impact of domestic abuse on family relationships
  • To increase awareness of the types of support that individuals and their families can access in Leeds for those people who use/misuse alcohol
  • To increase awareness of the types of support that individuals and their families can access in Leeds for those people experiencing domestic abuse/violence

To book a place on the training course detailed above please email with the course name and your preferred date.

All of the Relationship between Alcohol and Domestic Abuse courses will take place in person.

For details of this course’s dates and times, visit our main Training for Professionals page.