Training for Professionals
Forward Leeds Alcohol and Drug service have a team that can provide training and information around alcohol and drugs. This includes providing brief interventions in the workplace with users of your services.
This is primarily aimed at:
- Social Care staff and similar organisations
- Leeds City Council teams
- Charities and third sector organisations
Training is being delivered virtually and in person, you can choose which you prefer. All of our training is completely free, provided your organisation is based in the City of Leeds local authority area. View a list of all 2024 courses further down this page.
Forward Leeds Training Leaflet
You can download a PDF of the Forward Leeds Training Leaflet
The leaflet contains more information about the courses we offer and details of our bespoke training offer.
What we provide:-
- Half day training delivered virtually or in person
- Additional packages that deal with new emerging substances, including synthetic cannabinoids
- Bespoke packages dependent on time frame and content. This service comes without a charge and can be delivered from your organisation where there is demand.
Training aims:-
- Increased awareness of brief Interventions
- Provide some basic tools and worksheets
- How to refer into alcohol or drug services
- Where to access leaflets and information
- An increase in substance-specific awareness
In addition Forward Leeds runs additional Want To Know More About (WTKMA) sessions for Leeds City Council.
Contact us on for more information or to book on courses.