Media Relations
We have staff who are able to speak knowledgeably and with personal experience about issues around alcohol and drug use. They also know a great deal about licit and illicit drugs too.
Forward Leeds are always happy to take enquiries from journalists and documentary makers. If we can support you to tell your story, we will.
We can often provide supporting case studies.
Journalists should contact:
Mark Hindwell
Communications Officer
Forward Leeds and 5 WAYS 07730 598774
Please have a look at The Reporting of Substance: A Media Toolkit. A resource for journalists and editors looking to report on alcohol and drugs with dignity and respect.
The toolkit contains 5 Key Recommendations to follow when reporting as well as, interviews with family members and people in recovery, information about support services across the UK, photography advice and resources for further information.
The Reporting of Substance Media Toolkit was created by Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs and Adfam. A working group has also supported the creation of this toolkit with family members and people in recovery, Drink and Drug News, The Telegraph, and Alcohol Health Alliance UK.