Cluedo leaves Leeds audience laughing

The Hurly-Burley Players received a standing ovation for their production of Cluedo last night.

The theatre company, made up of volunteers and members from 5 WAYS in Leeds who are in recovery from substance misuse, staged their hilarious whodunit in front of a full house at Guiseley Theatre. The play had been written for them by RADA trained Christabel Grasby who also directed the performance.

Forward Leeds Area Manager Cath Brogan said: “I saw families enjoying seeing their loved ones up on stage, doing something amazing and the actors looked like they were enjoying the experience too. I was entertained through the whole of the play and laughed a lot.

“When we decided to put on a drama course at 5 WAYS it was because we felt it would give participants more confidence, a chance to work as a team and to take on a challenge outside their comfort  zone  –  well all of this happened”

The play takes the conventional format of the board game Cluedo with its rooms, weapons and characters including Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlet and pulls it apart for laughs.

5 WAYS member Jason Dorymeade said: “I am in total awe of their courage. Everybody should be proud knowing the effort that went into this amazing play. Watching the transformation of my friends into stars of the stage left my sides aching from laughing. I loved it!”

Miss Scarlet and a detective

Forward Leeds Education, Training and Employment Worker Pam Exley saw the play and said: “It was wonderful to see the development in confidence of everyone involved. It was both rewarding and inspiring and a great thing to witness. I won’t be able to see the actors in everyday life now without thinking back to Cluedo and laughing”.

The Hurly-Burley Players are already beginning to plan for their next production which will take place in the New Year.

scene from play Scene from the play scene from the play Final Curtain