Self-Recovery Tools and Resources

The staff at Forward Leeds have  compiled some handouts and links to videos to give you some ideas of how to look after yourselves, manage your wellbeing in between sessions at Forward Leeds and beyond the time when you stop coming to see us.

The following is a list of downloadable PDFs. Click the title to download the handout.

Anger Management Toolbox
Guidance on how to effectively deal with anger issues

Changing your Internal Dialogue or self talk
How to learn to be kinder in the way that we talk to ourselves in our own heads

Cravings Survival Guide
Tactics for coping effectively with cravings

Dealing with Cravings
Guidance on understanding and breaking the cycle of addiction

Gardening, Nature and Outdoors Activities in Leeds –  a map
Studies have shown that nature, being outdoors and gardening can have a positive impact on recovery.

Improving Sleep
A set of guidelines on how to improve your ability to sleep

Instincts, Thinking and Coping
Gain a clearer picture of the biology and psychology of cravings and stress

Living a Balanced Lifestyle (Three p’s)
A worksheet to help you address three vital areas of your life to achieve a more balanced lifestyle and improve wellbeing

Exercises to help you step out of “automatic pilot”, becoming less reactive, and more aware and mindful in your responses

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief
Learn to effectively combat stress by activating the body’s natural relaxation response

SOBER breathing technique
A mindfulness intervention to help manage panic attacks, reduce anxiety and stress, break addictive processes and behaviours, and manage pain

The ABC technique
This technique can be used to help you cope with almost any upsetting situation

Urge Surfing
A mindfulness technique that can be used to help with any addictive behaviour

Useful Videos

Below are links to several videos with advice for dealing with mental health and wellbeing etc. but also other learning topics that you may wish to pursue.

School of life

The School of Life is dedicated to exploring the great questions of emotional and psychological life. We believe in developing emotional well-being through ideas and discussion.

School of life how to be confident

School of life overcoming bad inner voices

School of life self-compassion

School of life How to Soothe Ourselves and Others

School of life How to be a Friend to Yourself

School of life Taking It One Day at a Time

School of life Durkheim

TED TALKS. Ideas Worth Sharing

3300+ talks to stir your curiosity

This could be why you’re depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

Depression, the secret we share | Andrew Solomon

Don’t suffer from your depression in silence | Nikki Webber Allen

What’s so funny about mental illness? | Ruby Wax

Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari

Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you | Meaghan Ramsey

Listening to shame | Brené Brown

There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health | Sangu Delle

Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model. | Cameron Russell

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown

A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

RSA Animate

The RSA Animate series was conceived as an innovative, accessible and unique way of illustrating and sharing the world-changing ideas from the RSA’s free public events programme.