No Regrets

Forward Leeds along with Leeds City Council and NHS Leeds are running a campaign aimed at 18-25 year olds in Leeds to encourage responsible drinking.
The No Regrets campaign draws from the regretful experiences of young adults across Leeds, turning these into positive messages that help young adults to think more wisely about their behaviour.
The campaign came about as a result of research undertaken with 18-25 year olds in Leeds on behalf of the campaign partners that found:
- 1 in 4 18-25 year olds in Leeds are concerned about their drinking
- Half of young adults surveyed said they drink to get drunk
- 88% of drinkers in this age group in Leeds say they drink before they go out
- Half of those surveyed knew the correct number of units in alcoholic drinks but
- Only 11% knew the recommended weekly allowance of units for men and women
The No Regrets campaign is primarily online based, using Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and the website to share messages.
The campaign makes use of a series of articles, videos and quizzes that give advice and promote responsible drinking in a way that is accessible to the target audience.
Articles published on the site so far include:
- 5 Drinks Everyone Pretends to Like
- 7 Signs of a Tragic Night Out
- 6 Signs Your Friend is Taking Drinking Too Far
- Booze you Lose! 5 Better Ways to Spend your Cash
Visitors to the site can also submit real life stories of nights out and socialising, highlighting some of the regrets faced. This helps brings the topic to life without promoting alcohol.
To reach a wider audience, there is encouragement to share the site and individual articles on social media.
To find out more visit the campaign website