Individual Placement and Support

Finding jobs to aid people’s recovery
The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) team help to find meaningful jobs for people we support that suit their skills, abilities and experience.
Did you know that the right employment can improve someone’s wellbeing?
Being in a job can:
- Build your confidence and skills
- Increase your social network
- Improve your financial situation
- Provide more structure in your life, and a sense of purpose
Our Individual Placement and Support (IPS) team is here to help people find and keep jobs.
What is IPS?
IPS involves dedicated, individual support with a job search. This is followed by placement in paid employment. An Employment Specialist will then provide support in work, for you and your employer, for as long as you need.
The IPS approach is internationally recognised as the most effective way to support individuals to secure a job placement and have a successful career.
How can the IPS team help you at Forward Leeds?
Working alongside your support worker, they can help in a variety of ways including:
- Using links with local and national employers to connect you to the right job
- Meeting in the community to develop your career
- Helping develop your CV
- Interview preparation
- Providing disclosure advice
- Signposting to benefits office or other services to help financially
The service is open to anyone being supported by Forward Leeds.
To find out more about how the IPS team can help you, speak to your key worker or contact the team
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