Help to rebuild relationships
Restorative Practice
Forward Leeds uses a model called Restorative Practice that can help people rebuild their relationships.
All of us, at some point, go through times when our relationships with others become strained, difficult or completely breakdown.
When a person is dependent upon alcohol or other drugs, this can be quite common. It can also make it even tougher for everyone concerned to rebuild relationships.
Damaged relationships affect not only the person with problematic alcohol or drug use, but also their loved ones, partners and family members. But, if relationships can move forward in a positive way, people are more likely to succeed in treatment and in recovery.
The process can be used between two people in a restorative conversation or with several people in a family meeting. There are also times when it can be useful to bring in other professionals who have been involved.
Using a ‘restorative’ way of working is about working with all those affected. The model is particularly useful when relationships have become strained or have broken down and both parties wish to restore relationships and make amends.
Restorative Practice gives everyone impacted the opportunity to talk to one another honestly.
It brings greater understanding, an opportunity to say sorry, time to explain situations and a safe place to talk about impact and feelings.
Being able to do this helps people understand each other’s experiences, and viewpoints and agree on a way forward that benefits all.
This model should be considered when motives are sincere, and no harm can be caused using this process. It can only be helpful when all parties agree to meet, are willing to engage and look at improving a relationship and moving forward.
We recommend that you speak with a member of staff to check out and agree if this is the right time for both you and your partner/family member. Often people prefer to do this once they are more stable in treatment or in the early stages of recovery.
If you would like to find out more then please speak with your worker or any member of Forward Leeds or 5 WAYS staff.
This intervention can also be delivered through Carers Leeds who offer support for people affected by another person’s drug and alcohol use.
To contact Carers Leeds call 0113 380 4300 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm or email
Download our leaflet on Restorative Practice