Five ways to wellbeing


This is the first of five videos discussing the five ways to wellbeing. The five ways to wellbeing are: connect, give, take notice, keep learning and be active.

In this first video Graham, one of our Forward Leeds workers discusses how connections are invaluable for your mental health.

There is a lot of evidence behind these five steps. During this unprecedented time these five ways are more important than ever and despite having to keep our distance there are still many ways to connect with others.

Be Active

This is part two in the five ways to wellbeing series.

In this video Jason talks over why being active is good for your mental as well as physical wellbeing and good for your recovery.

It has helped him in his own recovery and it could help you in yours.

Keep Learning

This is part three of the five ways to wellbeing.

In this short film, Graham discusses why it is important to keep learning and how we can benefit from this.

There are no rules as to what you learn.

Everyone has different interests and there’s plenty of books and resources we can learn from.

Taking Notice

This is part four of our  five ways of wellbeing series.

In this video Matt, one of our group workers explains how to take notice.

Below this section are the mindfulness sessions that Matt references in the video.


This is the final part of the Ways to Wellbeing.

The last step is all about giving.

It is about how good we feel when we give to others and how it impacts others wellbeing as well as your own.