5 WAYS adds boxercise to the weekly timetable

People abstinent from alcohol and drugs are getting fitness training from a former professional boxer at 5 WAYS.

Training Cave, a Leeds boxing gym, is offering weekly drop-in boxercise classes for members of 5 WAYS, the Leeds hub for those in recovery from substance misuse issues.

Manager of 5 WAYS Jo Byrden said: “Everything we do here is driven by our members. We’d had requests for boxercise classes so I approached Training Cave and they were happy to come along. It’s great as it offers an alternative to our yoga, running and dance aerobics classes and complements them really well.”

5 WAYS member Sam Larkin who attended the boxercise class said: “It’s a great, fun way to get back into fitness.

“I’m very pleased I came and I’ll definitely be coming back next week. The coaches running the sessions are professional and they have organised it really well.”

First boxercise class at 5 WAYS

First boxercise class at 5 WAYS

Jack Sunderland, Director and Coach at Training Cave said: “I was pleased to come here and offer these sessions. 5 WAYS falls in with what Training Cave is all about. It feels like a family here and everyone supports each other. That’s part of our philosophy too at Training Cave.

“Boxercise can help people with their self-confidence, their self-discipline and it’s great for general health and fitness. It’s completely non-contact so no-one is going to go home with a black eye.”

Training Cave is an organisation that uses boxing as a vehicle to help and teach people to be fit and healthy for life.

Boxercise classes run every Wednesday morning at 5 WAYS from 10.30-11.30 and the classes are open to all members.

Boxercise Group